Care & Information Sheets
As part of our commitment to our valued customers we have created a series of 'Care & Information' sheets, specially designed to help you in making the correct decisions and choices for you and your garden. Whether you need guidance on choosing the correct plants for a certain type of soil or area, tips on pruning, pest control or lawn care or even advice on how to look after your cut Christmas tree we are positive that we have the expert guidance and advice you need right here.
By clicking on a chosen sheet you are able to download a copy, so that you may simply view the available information, print as required, or save to your computer for later use.
Care & Advice
Outdoor Plants
- Flowering Shrubs (throughout the season)
- Very Hardy Shrubs for Industrial Areas
- Plants Suitable for Clay Soils
- Plants Suitable for Chalky Soils
- Plants Suitable for Sandy Soils
- Japanese Acer
- Ornamental Grasses
- Bamboo
- Hebes
- Trees for Small Gardens
- Rabbit & Deer Tolerant Plants
- Pot Chrysanthemums
- Herbaceous Perennials
- Acid Loving Plants (Ericaceous)
- Climbers (for all sites)
- Trees for Different Conditions
- Rose Care
- Plants for Shady Corners
- Plants for Sunny Spots
- Ground Cover
- Christmas Trees
- Bedding Plants
- Wildlife Garden
- Hedging
- Tree Ferns
- Aromatic Foliage
- Hanging Basket & Container Grown Fruit & Vegetables
- Hydrangea
- Planting to Enhance your Home Security
Winter Plants
- Bearded Dragon
- Blue Tailed Skink
- Chinese Water Dragon
- Chuckwalla
- Corn Snake
- Crested Gecko
- Curly Tailed Lizard
- Gargoyle Gecko
- Garter Snake
- Gold Dust Day Gecko
- Golden Tegu
- Green Crested Lizard
- Green Spiny Lizard
- Grey Rat Snake
- Herman Tortoise
- Hog Island Boa
- Hognose Snake
- Hermit Crab
- Horsefield Tortoise
- King Snake
- Leopard Gecko
- Madagascan Day Gecko
- Madagascan Ground Gecko
- Marginated Tortoise
- Painted Dragon
- Palm Gecko
- Panther Chameleon
- Reeves Turtle
- Sailfin Dragon
- Spur-thighed Tortoise
- Steppe Runner Lizard
- Tokay Gecko
- Viper Gecko
- Wonder Gecko
- Yellow Headed Dwarf Gecko
- Yemen Chameleon
- Bahia Scarlet Birdeater
- Black Forest Scorpion
- Chile Red Tarantula
- Cobalt Blue Tarantula
- Emerald Skeleton Tarantula
- Giant Black Train Millipede
- Giant Stick Insect
- Greenbottle Blue Tarantula
- King Baboon Tarantula
- Mexican Pink Tarantula
- Mexican Red Leg Tarantula
- Red Rump Tarantula
- Salmon Pink Birdeater
- Tanzanian Red Claw Scorpion
- Trapdoor Spider