How do you know if a chameleon is the right pet for you?

Well, you’ll need to consider the responsibilities involved and how you’d be able to care for them properly.

Which questions should you ask yourself?

  • How long have I wanted a chameleon for, and will I get bored of one?
  • Chameleons live for 2-5 years, are you able to care for them throughout their life?
  • Can I afford all bills associated? (Including feed, enclosure and environment, upkeep, vet bills)
  • Do I have the time? (Including cleaning them out, feeding)

Once you’ve decided that a chameleon is the right pet for you…


Start by purchasing a reptarium and make sure its big enough for the chameleon to move and climb around. Put your reptarium in a calm, warm room as they are very easily stressed, and they need a serene environment.

Then add plants and climbing limbs with leaves to make them feel at home.

Line the bottom of the reptarium with newspaper or paper towels. Newspaper and paper towels work well in chameleon tanks because they absorb the animal’s waste, you will need to change them every few days.

Adding Heat


Like many reptiles, chameleons need heat. Add a heat lamp at the top so that they can get to the warmth but can also come down if they get too hot. Keep the enclosure between 25 and 31 °C during the day 18 and 24 °C at night.


Buy a good-quality UV-B light. In addition to the heat lamp, get another light that will light the rest of the reptarium and will give your chameleon key nutrients. Chameleons need 12 hours of UV-B light per day to utilize calcium and prevent metabolic bone disease. Keep the UVA/UVB light inside the enclosure. These lights are available at pet stores and from online pet-supply retailers, you should replace your UV-B light every 6 months.


Keep the humidity between 50 and 70%. To do this you can either install a moisture system in the reptarium, or manually mist with a spray bottle.

It’s Feeding Time!

Chameleons mainly eat crickets which you can buy in our Pets and Aquatics Centre.

You only need to feed your chameleon a few crickets at a time and crickets don't live long, so only buy a week or 2 worth of crickets at a time.

Baby chameleons need very small crickets. They also like and can survive off fruit flies.

You can also feed them with other insects, such as wax worms, mealworms, super worms, flies, moths, and grasshoppers. These are nice treats and give the chameleon a well-balanced diet.

Cleaning and Handling


Do a light cleaning of the tank every day. Remove any extra food at the bottom of the cage every day in order to keep parasites and bacteria from developing. Also, replace wet bedding and remove any faecal matter that you see on the surface of the bedding or on plant leaves and limbs


Some chameleons can be feisty, but some are more calm and friendly so be careful when handling them! 

Come in store to see our full reptile range including, tanks, accessories, food, and the pets!

We also sell small animals and small animal accessories and food among dog, cat, and bird accessories and food.